Friday, January 13, 2012

The Joy in this Week

So some of these pictures are from last week and most of these pictures were from Monday, but they are all reminders of joy and love.

Very proud to be a cowboy!

Monday we had a friend come over to play for the day.  It was so much fun watching her and Brandon play together.  They are so alike and yet so very different!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" POUNCE

Dainty jump

Micah would not be left out of the fun.  He had to have his own rocket.

After rockets we moved on to rocket balloons.  I blew up the long balloons with a
pump, we counted and let them go, watched them swirl around the sky and make funny noises
then the kids ran after them!  It's great fun.

Ahhh, some quiet and rest time.

Play dough time was especially fun with all the new play dough toys Brandon got for
Christmas.  The coveted (but very well shared) tool was the dentist's drill.

Grandma stopped by for a couple minutes and got suckered in to playing too (it wasn't that hard to convince her). :)

They made play dough donut men.
My favorite line of the day came from Brandon several times throughout the day: "Mommy, she's a girl!" 
I've decided to join a P52 group to keep me accountable for taking pictures each week.  This week's theme was "Made With Love" and I just wasn't sure what to take pictures of until I was giving the boys a bath the other night.  These two were made by a loving God, in love despite their physical difficulties, with so much love to give.  It's been fun watching them learn how to show love to each other as brothers and to others.  It's been fun watching Brandon grow in his love of his little brother by taking care of him, holding his hand, helping him stay out of trouble, and picking him up when he falls.  Micah's learning to give "kisses" and that has love written all over it!

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Finally, this week has held some spectacular sunrises!  Mostly I just enjoyed watching them and not trying to capture all the colors.  They have been special reminders to us that God is present, he is faithful and he molds each day for his purposes!  The sunrises have been great reminders to glorify Him this week!

Blessings on your weekend.


  1. Precious pictures Sara! Katie LOVED playing with your boys. I heard lots about the rockets...she has a birthday coming up this spring, I may have to talk to your dear MIL about a rocket. THANK YOU so much for taking such good care of my girl and thank you for the reminder of what GIFTS are little ones are.
