Monday, January 9, 2012

Grabbing the Blue Sky

There is one rule that we follow quite staunchly during the winter--if there's blue sky and it's not raining (doesn't even have to be sunny) then we go outside no matter what else might/should/or is happening that day.  We actually haven't had nearly as much rain as I remember in years past, but the last Friday of 2011 was one of those days where there was blue sky and as a bonus, Bryan and Don both were off of work.  So we all headed out to Semiahmoo for a couple hours of outside play.  It was wonderfully low key and fun!

The wind was so strong the kite was pulling Don around!!

Micah's at that stage where he desperately wants to participate in everything
Brandon is doing, but it doesn't always work out so well.  :)

Now lining rocks up on a log--that's something he can do!

Brandon was thrilled to finally be able to give his rocket launcher a good work-out.
Count down (numbers, letters, mixture...whatever works)...


Off it goes...

Use all that amazing, never-ending energy to go fetch!  Repeat... ;)
Blessings on your week.

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