Saturday, April 30, 2011

Unfortunately...the Day Arrived

Friday was Brandon's regularly scheduled six month check up for his club feet correction in Bellevue.  The kids and I are getting quite tired of driving four hours for a 10 minute appointment and nothing else, so this time we decided to make a day of it.  I found a beautiful park with a children's play ground only 10 minutes from the doctor's office, so we left early and went there for an hour for lunch and some run time.  Was it ever providential that we did!

I had to hold Micah's leg on this rocking sea horse otherwise he would fall through, but he thought it was the greatest thing!

Looking adorable in their matching Mickey Mouse shirts--not so interested in taking pictures, though, when there was a fun
play ground to be exploring and climbing.

We arrived at his doctor's office, checked in, went to the back room and she came in pretty quickly because we were the first appointment after lunch.  She had him do the regular "walking" (he tried so hard to walk, but really just has to run everywhere) and galloping then had him lay down on the table so she could twist his feet around.  For a year and a half now we have been watching his left foot very closely because his heel is not turned out properly and seems to actually be turning back in instead.  The muscles are very flexible so she has let it go, but this time she informed me that she is moving to Colorado in June and the doctor who could take over (Micah's doctor) moved hospitals.  She wanted to make sure his feet were as good as she could get them before leaving and we had to change doctors, so she recommended that since it wasn't correcting itself that we try casting again. 

At first Brandon started panicing because he thought she was going to give him a shot and he's right at that stage where he is starting to realize that shots aren't all that fun.  Once I got him calmed down and explained what was going to happen he was a real trooper. 

He has a shoe he wears when he's walking so he doesn't slip around.

Micah was perfectly content to scoot around on the floor and discover.
At first Brandon had to find his balance, but that basically took the short walk from the building to the car.  By the time we got home he was walking like a champ and the next day he was "running" like a pro.  I have a video of his running that I'll try post tomorrow.

He wears this cast for two weeks then we go back for yet another cast he wears for another two weeks.  Unfortunately it is not water proof so tonight when he realized he couldn't have his favorite play in the bathtub with his boat kind of bath he was devistated. 

We knew this day might come, but were really praying it wouldn't.  I guess we just need to be thankful for modern medicine once again--without it he wouldn't be able to run at all...

Blessings on your Sabbath rest.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Childrens Conversation

Friend: You know what, Brandon?  We are going to Hawaii this summer.
Brandon: I'm going on a BIG airplane this summer.
Friend:  Really?  Where are you going?
Brandon: I'm going to visit my friend with my Grandpa and Grandma in A (the capital city of the country my parents live in).

Alright.  I guess we're going back this summer according to Brandon.


Every chance I get I am outside taking pictures of spring...trying to convince myself the sun does still exist somewhere and the weather will warm up someday. 

On Saturday, one of the few days we've had of sun, the bees were busy in our fruit trees.  It was fun trying to capture their busyness.

I'm joining up with Sweet Shot Tuesday over at Life with my 3 Boybarians, something I haven't done in a while.  Click on the link below to see other "sweet" shots.

Sweet Shot Day

Have a great day.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Here are a smattering of pictures from the last week or so.  Hope your Monday started your week well.  

We have been VERY excited about any sun we see.  Last week Brandon decided he needed to join his daddy reading on the porch.  It was too cute!

Micah is on the move--scooting on his bum of course.  He still refuses to role over but does move around a little bit on his tummy.  He discovered the recycle paper bin last week and has had a wonderful time discovering texture and sound unloading it over and over and over again.

I discovered a new recipe for Hot Cross Buns that I really wanted to try.  Unfortunately it called for whole milk and my rice milk substitute didn't work, twice.  So I used the same concept with my cinnamon roll recipe and they worked delicously.

Brandon has outgrown his trike.  His little legs just can't go fast enough and his knees are just about hitting the handle bars.  Bikes were on sale at Freddy's this week so we picked one up for him.  We're attempting to teach him how to ride it like a Strider bike, with no peddles so he learns balance first.  Unfortunately he's been so tired from all the business lately that neither he nor I had much patience for it on Saturday.  Maybe when the sun reappears in another two weeks it will go better.

He thoroughly enjoyed helping his daddy put it together, though.

This is the one and only picture I took Easter Sunday--it was a wonderful day of celebration and relaxation as a family and just not a "picture-taking" type day.

Brandon played very busily with play-doe this morning.  I just love his expression in this picture.

Have a wonderful week. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Man of Sorrows

Man of Sorrows! what a name
For the Son of God, Who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Bearing shame and scoffing rude,
In my place condemned He stood;
Sealed my pardon with His blood.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Guilty, vile, and helpless we;
Spotless Lamb of God was He;
Full atonement can it be?
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Lifted up was He to die;
"It is finished!" was His cry;
Now in heaven exalted high.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

When He comes, our glorious King,
All His ransomed home to bring,
Then anew His song we'll sing:
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

(Words by Philip P. Bliss)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Joys of Being a Mother

Brandon and I have a fun little game we play sometimes and it goes something like this:

Me: Brandon, I need to tell you a secret.
B: Comes to me for a hug
Me: I whisper in his ear "I LOVE YOU!" And proceed to give him a few tickles.

Today, while I was changing out loads in the drier, Brandon comes up to me and says: Mommy, can you tell me a swequet? 

I proceeded to play our little game, only this time he takes it a little further (my little three year old is really starting to generalize and it's a little scary).

B: giggle, giggle, giggle

B: Mommy, now I need to tew you a swequet.   I WUV UU!
Me: Laugh and more hugs
B: Mommy, now I need to tew you anoder swequet.  "I think you're a siwy boy!"
Me: Pretend offence in utter surprise that he would take it in such a direction, and proceed to give him a well deserved tickle torture!

It's times like that I absolutely LOVE being a mom!  It brings sunshine to yet more dreary weather days.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

You Have Got to be KIDDING!!

Snow on April 14??

I am highly unamused!!
Hope your day is starting out better.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Catching Up--April

Here's what April has been for us so far...

I have been eagerly capturing as much spring as possible.  Gotta hold on to something
on these gloomy days!

I was so excited to discover my Daffodils (the ones that haven't bloomed for two years) are actually blooming this year!

Bryan has been wanting to read Winnie-the-Pooh to Brandon especially because he had such fond memories of reading it as a kid.  I love to listen, too, because Bryan is so expressive in his reading.

Any hint of sunshine and we are out the door if at all possible. 

Brandon helping Bryan measure our flower beds to determine how much bark we need.

Auntie Rachel came for a wonderfully spontaneous visit.  The weather wasn't great while she was here but we did manage to get a couple hours at Deception Pass without it raining on us.

Auntie Rachel fixed LOTS of puzzles with Brandon while she was here.

He looks so grown up talking on Auntie Rachel's cell phone--it's a little scary!

When we go to the big park we take my bike and trailer--Micah wasn't too sure about it at first but as soon as we get moving he enjoys it.

I've been practicing my motion/panning photography lately.  It's been quite convenient that I have a son who loves to move!

Brandon learning how to push Micah on the swing--being a goofball at the same time!  Micah loved it the most when Brandon would give him a push and then fall over.  :)

He's growing up--last year he wouldn't dare do this on this own.  One time of me
standing beside him and now he does it like a pro!

Hope your Wednesday is going well.

Catching Up--March

As I've been editing, posting, printing and otherwise working on pictures from our trip, life has continued to move on--phenominal idea, I know.  :)  There's no way I'll be able to catch up doing individual posts so I'm going to squish it all in to two instead. 

Here's what happened in March...

Bryan and I went on a date for the first time since October and watched the most amazing sunset we've seen in a long time!

Brandon made a TALL tower of blocks that we counted together and then counted how many
blocks tall he was--he was very proud of it.  Unfortunately it was a long time ago and I
don't remember the numbers any more.

Micah has been using his little arm a lot lately for sensing touch and texture.  Everything
(and I really mean EVERYTHING) gets rubbed against the end of his arm.

Brandon and his daddy logged some good solid hours "working" on the "garage train".

Micah is becoming more of a ham every day!  He continues to refuse to roll over, but will work his way small distances
to get what he wants.  He discovered drawers OPEN and there are things INSIDE them!!

"Did Mom see what I did?"

"She's not going to close the drawer?"

"ALRIGHT!!  Play time!"
Micah turned 8 months.

He continues to become even more expressive with his looks.  I can always tell when
he's thinking something through because that tongue pops right out!

We had way too much of this...

Brandon's asthma was really bad for a couple weeks so one day when it wasn't raining AS much
I took the boys out to Birch Bay so he could run without coughing as much.

Micah discovered how yummy rocks are--yuck!

When there was a break in the rain and his asthma was okay I kicked Brandon outside to play as much as possible.  If I couldn't go ouside at the same time I would keep Micah inside but put him by the door to watch Brandon.  They entertained each other beautifully.  I loved listening to the laughter!

Busy, busy in his sandbox!

There were one or two beautifully sunny days.  One of them we took advantage of as a family and went to the "boat" park (Bellwether) and there were absolutely gorgeous daffodils out.  It gave me hope that spring would actually come...