Friday, March 30, 2012

Weekend Happenings

Last weekend was a happening weekend! We finally had a four or five day stretch of beautiful sunshine so we were outside as much as possible.  It made me long for summer.

We managed to get our trees pruned in February but then it rained straight through to this weekend and we never had a chance to pick up all the sticks.  So that finally happened.  The boys are getting old enough to help now so that makes it go a little faster.  Brandon's friend came over to play as well and he got right in on the action.  The "rule" was that if they helped pick up the sticks they got to ride on top to the trailer and in the wheelbarrow on the way back.  It was great incentive to work and a great workout for me!  ;)

Friday night we went to a wedding and since Andrew and Cheryl were part of it (and it was only an hour away) they decided to come up for the weekend.  We had supper over there Saturday night--again a gorgeous day.

Brandon absolutely loves the peddle tractor and Micah has figured out how to get himself in and out of the trailer for a ride.  At one point Brandon was sick of Micah back there so he took off as fast as he could and Micah ran behind him screaming.  It was pretty funny!

Sometimes the getting out isn't so graceful...but he gets it done.

Sunday we decided to go for a drive up to Mount Blanchard.  Unfortunately there weren't any hang gliders going while we were there but it was still beautiful.  Bumpa and Grandma came with us which made it an extra special trip.

Bumpa skipping with Brandon....

The scenery is breathtaking!

I tried out a new way of taking panoramic pictures--still need a little practice and I forgot to use my tripod, but it turned out okay.  This is my picture for P52 "Details" this week.  While we were up there I kept thinking of all the little details God thought of while making creation.  We see islands, trees, sky, but he designed and created all the "science" behind how all those things came to be and how they continue to change, grow and develop.  It's quite mind-boggling when you look at a big picture like this.

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

May you see God's hand at work in every detail of your lives.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Precious Moments: Giggle, Giggle, Giggle

Because these pictures deserve a post of their own...


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Precious Moments: A Brandon Conversation

Brandon is trying to figure out life...asking lots of questions, trying to make connections and generalizations and putting thoughts into words that he can understand.  This morning he was snuggling on my lap and he started shivering a little bit.  Here's the conversation that ensued:

Me: Are you cold, honey?
B: No, I just feel that God is coming in to me.
Me: Oh that's so good!  God is coming to live in your heart?
B: Yes, and he's going to make my body work properly.
Me: Yes, God does make your body work properly.
B: And when I eat breakfast he's going to catch the food.  But Mommy, I'm still hungry.

I had to smile.  God is living in that boy and making everything work properly...he even catches the food!  After weeks of trying to figure out how to make his body work properly it was a timely God-reminder that God is ultimately the one in control of his little body.

Wise words from a four year old with child-like faith.
Blessings on your day.

Friday, March 23, 2012

P52 and Monkeys

I know the P52 theme of "Hunger" is taken from the Hunger Games and everyone is in to the Hunger Games these days, but in all reality I want nothing to do with the Hunger Games.  There's just something too sadistic about getting excited about a book/movie where children killing each other for entertainment for the "Capitol" is exciting and riveting.  The first book gave me nightmares--no joke, and I won't pick up the other two let alone watch the movie.  Ugh.

Anyway, enough of my ranting.  I decided instead to go with our St Patrick's day breakfast.  I made green eggs--that's right up there on the list of "things I never thought I'd do as a mom".  Brandon's still talking about them!

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

I love everything about this next picture.  Bumpa and Grandma came for supper Saturday night and here Bumpa is "reading" the boys the story about "Ralph" the train engine.  Brandon was a little stymied and not quite sure what to do with it I think.  ;)  It was fun to watch.

And finally, we've had lots of "Monkey See, Monkey Do" going on around here--although there are days when it's a toss up of who's copying whom.

We have a busy day today and a fun evening attending a wedding tonight.  I'm so excited a friend very sweetly offered to watch the boys so we could have a night off in the adult world!

Blessings on your weekend.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lessons from a Bud

Yesterday I said screw it, picked up my camera and left!

For 10 minutes I pretended the boys were both completely self-sufficient and not at each other's throats, supper did not need to be made, the dusting didn't need to be done, the floor did not need to be vacuumed one more time, the laundry didn't need to be folded, the house wasn't in toy shambles, the yard wasn't a mess, allergy research didn't need to get done, tough decisions didn't need to be made...

For 10 minutes I reminded myself that spring WILL come in season and life, the sun WILL shine again for more then a day at a time, God IS in control, and it's OKAY to say screw it for 10 minutes with my camera to enjoy the incredible new beauty God brings about every year without any help from me!!

... and it was well with my soul.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The "Eyes" of March

There's only one picture in my camera this week and the more I thought about it, the more fitting it became for P52 "'Eyes' of March" theme this week.  I have no idea what that really means, but my eyes this March have constantly been on Micah.  His sweet and helpful big brother taught him that he can push those cute little green chairs anywhere in the house and get himself up on to just about any surface.  He's taken a lot more of my specific attention lately to make sure he's still safe in all his strength-building-discovery adventures.

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Blessings on your weekend.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Canadian Friday

Earlier last week my Aunt Margaret called to say my cousin's basketball team was in Langley, BC for the provintial basketball games and they were staying at Aunt Margaret and Uncle Ralph's place.  I hadn't seen this uncle or these cousins in probably 15 years so I really wanted to go, but the boys and I weren't feeling well enough to go up for their first game.  We made it up Friday afternoon for their third game, though.  Turns out it was a good game to go to since they won!

Friday morning Brandon helped me make pizza so we could throw it in the oven when we got home later in the day.

Brandon had never watched a basketball game before and he was absolutely mesmerized by it all.  He was asking questions about why things were happening and what this or that was for.  Micah too, was quite occupied with watching everything and everyone.

My cousin Josh played the most (red jersey 2nd from the right #14). 

The muscles it takes to jump like that always astound me!  That's Josh by the way.

In the last couple seconds Evan went in to play.  (red jersey 2nd from the right, #45)

Final score--we won.
 Aunt Jenny invited us for supper over at her place after the game, so we had some time to visit which was neat.

Braeden taught Brandon how to play hockey.

And I finally got to meet this sweetheart--Victoria!  She is such a doll!

We left at about 8:20pm and the boys slept most of the way home.  It was a fun day (and our pizza was a delicious and easy supper the next night :))!
Blessings on your week.