Friday, January 20, 2012

And yet there is Beauty

Snow is COLD--I don't like being cold so I don't like snow very much.  This kind of snow gets into my bones and I have a hard time getting warm no matter how high the temperature is set inside.  It also gives me a stomach ache.  My first year in college the thermostat for our room was right next to my desk and I would slowly turn it up until it was 80 degrees in our room.  If my roommate was there she didn't notice usually, but if she walked in the door at 80 she noticed and made me turn it back down. 

But snow has always been beautiful to me, as well.  I love the imagery of God cleansing us to be white as snow and when the sun hits it and it sparkles it reminds me of what heaven will be like--sparkly, clean, holy, flawless.  I love the way it sits on branches and shows God's artistry in all the different ways trees grow.  I love the way it ascents colors.  I love it's beauty--from the inside watching out.

But I couldn't get good pictures from inside, so when the boys were playing outside I took some time to walk around the yard with my camera too.

This picture made me stop and think about the incredibly vast aray of trees God made--these are just a few and yet they all grow differently and the snow really brings that out.

And then the wind got colder and I started dreaming a dream...

I dreamed a dream of being warm again. 

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Thankfully, so thankfully, we did not lose power like so many have, especially to the south. My heart went out to them this morning when I read the power company says it may be four or more days before they get the power back on again.

Blessings on your weekend.  May you have eyes wide open to see God's beauty and may his warmth fill your hearts today.


  1. I love this post. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have the best of both worlds...the beauty of a blanket of snow and be warm?! Your candle is glowing perfection. I love it. I am new to P52 and just dropped in to say hi!

  2. Just beautiful. Pure white snow. My favorite picture is of the snow on the red berries. Blessings.

  3. Beautiful image. It is so cozy. I love the texture of the blanket against the warmth of the candlelight and the glimpse of snow through the window. I love your composition.

  4. That is so funny, my daughter's roommate is always turning up the heat in their room, and my daughter is always turning it down. They live in the land of snow right now, the UP of Michigan.
