Saturday, June 18, 2011

Birch Bay at Low Tide

*WARNING: Lots of pictures!*

Thursday we went out to Birch Bay when the tide was very low (don't ask me about the numbers cause, well, you know how well I get along with numbers...).  Grandma Sally and Auntie Sally both came out with us and we had a blast learning from Grandma Sally all about sand castles, tides, and clams.

The eagle that flew right over top of us.

Clams covered in barnacles and live crabs.

Brandon starting to splash Auntie Sally

Ooops, we're in over our boots!

No rocks to throw here, but clam shells work just as well.

Wow!  Did you see how far that one went?

He kept his hands in his pockets for a long time.

Then next to him tight

But the lure of the mud finally caught up to him and he couldn't resist.

Micah stayed in the backpack while we were walking around discovering.

He loves texture!

While we ate some snack Brandon started playing in the sand.

Micah, Auntie Sally and I enjoyed the sun.

But then Grandma pulled out the BIG guns and showed Brandon how to make sand towers.

And boy did they have fun! 

The sand was really, really wet so they didn't hold their shape very well.

Then Grandma showed Brandon how to look for the holes where clams were hiding.

And they dug them up and let them go.

Except for one because I was curious what they looked like inside.

Time to go and of course that means destroying the towers.

My philosophy with taking boys to places like this is that if they didn't get muddy/dirty from head to toe then they didn't have enough fun. 

Let's just say, "Mission Accomplished".

Have a great weekend.

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