Sunday, March 20, 2011

Unexpected Beauty

One day this week I found these beauties and I laughed to myself out of the sheer joy of seeing color again.

Imagine my surprise, however, when I realized those beauties were growing out of my compost pile.

And it reminded me of two things.
The first was that God creates beautiful even when all we see around us is devastation, deterioration, and down right garbage. 
The second was this poem that was hanging in my mom's office.  (Author Unknown)


God dug his seed
into dry, dark earth.
After a sprouting up
in hopeful birth
and healing bloom
and garland grace,
he buried it again
in a darker place.

Twice rudely planted seed,
root, rise in me
and grow your green again,
your fruited tree.

What a wonderful reminder that God is refining and growing in us such beauty--despite and because of where we are planted.

Praying you will see God's beauty and grace in your lives today.

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