Friday, March 9, 2012

Be Still

We had a "mini" vacation if you can call moving to the next town over for a couple days a vacation.  :)  We treated it like one, anyway.  I only brought my crafts to work on, Bryan played with computers, read and enjoyed nerd TV and the boys just had a blast being at Grandma and Bumpa's house.  It really was a test to see if something in this house is affecting us and making us sick all the time--something definitly is.  Within a couple hours of being home again the boys and I were all stuffed up again.  Now the question is what...

Anyway, here are a couple pictures of the boys out there.  They looked so small.

P52 theme this week was "Be Still".  God's shown us lots of moments lately where he simply says, "Be still, I'm here, I'm in control and I won't let go."  Tuesday morning was one of those times for me.  We woke up to snow on the was quiet, it was peaceful, it was still, and God was there.

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

May your weekend be filled with a full awareness of God's presence.

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