Thursday, November 17, 2011


Well, after being flat in bed, pretty much incoherent for the majority of two days, I'm finally starting to feel like myself again.  Micah started the vomitting at 5:30 Sunday morning and Brandon and I followed.  It is a nasty flu bug that's flying around town.  Bryan came down with a major cold that morning as well so it was a rough start to the week. 

However, things are starting to feel "normal" again.  Yesterday I washed ALL the bedding and each room down, which was a big all day job.  We also FINALLY bought a new vacuum so the carpets are actually getting cleaned--such a relief.  We've been looking for a while because we had some very specific requirements in a very limited budget.  I think the Kenmore we ended up with will be good.

In the midst of all the cleaning I looked at my camera and realized it's the middle of November and I hadn't emptied it yet this month...oops.  It was fun to go through the pictures I had taken, even though there weren't very many.

Without further ado, here is the beginning of what there was:

Brandon has started to discover the joy of climbing trees and we have some great ones for climbing.  He isn't, however, quite tall enough to be able to get up into all of them on his own so we devised the use of the yellow crate and this tree he can get up into on his own now.  He's quite proud of himself!

Micah, in all of his stubborness, is refusing to walk on his own.  He's capable and will walk between Bryan and I, walk along the couch without holding on and basically stand up without holding on, but he will not walk.  It will suddenly happen one day, when he decides he's ready.  Bryan and I were having him walk between us, across the living room the other day but his PJs were getting in the way, so we stripped him and realized we hadn't changed his diaper in a while.  :)

It's the cold time of year again.  Frost is a regular occurance and I've always found it quite beautiful when it lines the colorful leaves.

And then yesterday, much to Brandon's great delight and my great chagrin, it snowed.  "Mommy, it's snowy time!!  But it's rain snow.  When it's all done we can go out and make a snow man."  Thankfully it didn't get that deep and didn't stay.  It might not be so this weekend, though...

Blessings on your Thursday.

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