Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Tradition Continued

The recipe: Oatmeal Cookies With a Purpose

and it reads as follows...
The Requirements (for parents, neighbor or grandparent):
1. Patience.
2. Loving-kindness.
3. Smiles
4. Praise, given out liberally
5. Wisdom, to help children share tools
6. Pretend dark glasses

1. Sprinkle flour on the table for each child
2. Distribute pieces of dough
3. Demonstrate how to roll dough, cut cookies and transfer them to the pan
4. Preheat the oven
5. Wear pretend dark glasses to avoid seeing trail of flour from table to floor, or path of dough from fingers to mouth
6. Pop pans into oven as soon as filled
7. Put each child's cookies in separate container
8. When all dough is baked, present each child with his or her container

1. Sparkling eyes
2. Happy faces
3. Grimy hands
4. Bulging cheeks
5. Sweet voices saying, "Mm, good, it's yummy yummy in my tummy."
6. Spontaneous hugs from flour-covered arms
7. A few cookies

Now doesn't that just make you want to make cookies with your kiddos?  Brandon and I had a blast with his friend Elliot and mom Sandra, carrying on a wonderful tradition from my childhood. 

The boys cut out about 15 cookies each and then went to play while Sandra and I finished up the dough.  Then they came back to paint them (an egg yolk and food coloring mixture) before baking.  With a little assistance in covering the whole cookie, the boys did the majority of painting/decorating.

And Micah had the very special pleasure of being at Grandma's house all by himself!!  ;)
It was a great day.
Blessings on the rest of your weekend.

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