Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Oregon Weekend--Mother's Day

(Warning: Long post with lots of pictures)
This past weekend our family along with Don and Sally (all in our Explorer) drove down to Salem, OR for a long weekend with Andrew and Cheryl.  Let's just say, IT WAS A BLAST!  We had so much fun together.  Here's a glimpse of the weekend.

We arrived Thursday evening and hung out until 10:30 or so.  Friday morning we got up and Andrew and Cheryl made an amazing breakfast for all of us and then we headed outside to feed the chickens and take the dog for a walk.  Brandon was ALL over it--especially throwing feed at the chickens, he wouldn't touch them.  Micah, on the other hand, loved petting them.  There is an old truck on their place as well and Brandon wanted to drive everywhere in it. 

Sorry these are bad pictures of the feeding the chickens.  The barn was so dark I couldn't get my shutter speeds fast enough.

It was very precious watching Brandon, in a cast, walking with this old dog who is very old, blind and deaf. 

Friday morning we headed off to the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden in Portland.  WOW.  It is an amazing place and so fun to take pictures at.  There were several varieties that hadn't bloomed yet, but the colors of the ones that were out were very rich and vibrant, even on a gloomy day.  Brandon loved all the ducks and geese and once again Micah took it all in and when possible, experimented with textures.

After lunch at a fun little pub, we decided to head to OMSI which is a hands-on science museum.  I thought it would mostly be geared towards children, and in a way it was, just children of every age.  There was discovery on every level for everyone to enjoy, no matter how interested or not you were in science.

Saturday started nice and slowly.  Andrew and Cheryl again made an amazing breakfast for us all, then Sally, Cheryl and I headed to downtown Salem to go shopping.  I had never been in a "downtown" shopping area before so it was a new experience for me.  The guys kept the boys at home in the morning and in the afternoon took their turn heading out to do some shopping while the girls stayed home and baked cookies and played with the kids.

Sunday, the day we were to head home, didn't start well at all.   Bryan was up all night very sick and by the time it was time to leave for church Don was also sick.  Because of the need to be close to a bathroom at all times, we decided it wouldn't be so wise to head home that day.  It turned out to be a nice relaxing day, though.  Andrew shared his "struction" videos with Brandon and they were both enthralled.

Monday morning Andrew and Cheryl headed off to work and we left about 8:40 to leave for home.  We made really good time and since Sally had never been to the Ballard Locks in Seattle and it's one of Bryan's favorite places to go, we decided to stop there for an hour or so to see them.  Brandon loved all the big boats and watching the whole process.  Micah was simply happy to be out of his car seat for a while.

We arrived safely home around 5pm, refreshed from once again enjoying family time (and being out of Lynden for a couple days).

Praying your week is going well.

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