Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Brandon Story for Grandpa and Uncle Bryan

Brandon has had a love of flying ever since he was a baby.  Particularly the last two years he has played with some airplanes that his daddy had as a kid.  We have gone flying in Grandpa's airplane several times and he has eaten it up--not a single ounce of fear.  Yesterday, while sitting in the doctor's office and pharmacy he decided he needed to be a "real" pilot.  No more of this putting his finger in the cockpit and pretending his finger is the pilot.  Nope!!  He was the pilot.  He opened the "door" and very ungraciously told me I needed to "go inside".  Then he took hold of the yoke and pulled back HARD.  If we had been in a real plane that sucker would have gone straight up.  That was his game all afternoon yesterday.

Yes, we are going on a "BIG" airplane today.  (Now, you have to imagine Brandon saying it this way: his eye brows go all the way up, his hands go all the way out, and his back arches backwards as he says "big" in his deep manly voice.)  Let's just say we have one very excited little boy to go flying today.

While we waited in the pharmacy I told him he had "one more sleep" and then we would be going on the big airplane.  He looks at me very seriously and says, "Mommy, I can't sleep."  "Why not, honey?"  "I'm tooo happy!  I can't sleep."  "Do you mean your too excited about going on the airplane?"  "Yes, I'm too esssited, I can't sleep."

Thankfully he played airplane so hard he did sleep very well and very deeply.

Now to see and experience the REAL thing....

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