Wednesday, October 16, 2013


One of the elements of the World Wide Photo Walk is to submit your favorite photo of the day.  One photo from each group gets chosen to go on to be submitted for the larger competition.  I just about didn't bother submitting one this year.  With three kiddos around I was having a hard enough time getting my photos edited.  But one night, two days before the link closed, I had enough time to edit them and I made Bryan choose which one to submit.  This afternoon I randomly went on the website to see the other photos that were submitted and low and behold mine was chosen as the best of our group!  I was astonished, excited, and very honored.

There were only five photos submitted from our group, but to have mine chosen was pretty fun!



  1. What a fun bright blessing for your week!

  2. Congrats Sara! I am not surprised! You are a gifted photographer! Be encouraged to use this gift to His honor and glory, and as a blessing to us! Best wishes to you!
