Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Here's what's been happening in January--in between all the crazy running around!

Brandon worked hard and did a very good job of typing out his own thank-you notes for Christmas presents this year.  I would write out sentences on paper with slashes for spaces and he found all the letters.  We then printed them out and glued them in pretty cards.  It was a good experience for him in many ways, but he was sure sick of thank-you notes by the end.  ;)

Micah has really taken to sitting at the computer and just listening to music, especially if I'm working on pictures at the same time.  He'll often sit for 30-40 minutes at a time and I'll forget he's there.

Brandon has really been in a creative stage lately.  He's made instruments (drum below), a guitar, and a cement mixer just to name a few.

Micah is finally out of the crib so he can't demolish it any further.  They are both extremely proud of their "bunks" bed, but are still learning what "quiet" means when it's bed time...

And here are a couple of my favorites from our 20 week ultrasound for #3.  He was very adament of getting the ultrasound wand out of his territory!


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