Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas Eve

Did you know it's rather difficult to tell the difference between lingering morning sickness and the flu?  Pretty sure I just got shnookered with both the end of this week.  Thankfully it seems to be the 12 hour one that's going around not the two day one Bryan had over Christmas break!

Christmas Eve, after nap time, we headed over to Bumpa and Grandma's house.  Uncle Andrew and Auntie Cheryl were there as well.  It's always a fun time when we can get together as a whole family!

*Warning: LOTS of pictures!*

First order of business was to play Brandon's new pirate game.

I love this picture with all the big boys and Brandon playing a game.  They are introducing him to the art of game playing in the Korthuis family well!

Important discussions happen with Auntie Cheryl!

Both boys got some fun dress up clothes!  Can we say, "Bob the Builder(s)"

Goofy "Mickey Mouse" replication!
 This was the first "big" present of the night.  The facial expressions on Mom's face are classic!

Someone's going to Ashland to see several Shakespeare plays!

SURPRISE (not really cause she was part of the planning)... Cheryl's going too!  :)

We were sitting on opposite sides of the room when we were told we had to sit on the couch together for this one.  It was a present for both of us...

An IPad!!
We had been looking at various tablets for months but it was not really an item in our budget so it was a big hit!

HOWEVER, Bryan is a Microsoft man...

Me, really preferring the IPad to other tablets we had looked at...and trying to convince didn't take much.  ;)

Cheryl getting the ONE thing she was really hoping to get...

I love this picture, despite it's fuzziness and because it is it a bit of a dreamy look to it.

Bumpa's across the room spanking stick??

Garden tools just Micah's size.

My cutie-pies!

Giggles and cuddles with Grandma to end a FUN evening.
Unfortunately, that is where my Christmas pictures end.  I guess the next two days were simply focused on having enough energy to get through the other parties.  Christmas day we spent at Bumpa and Grandma's house with more family and the day after Christmas we were at an aunt and uncle's house for the larger Korthuis family party.  It was a fun four days of parties!

Blessings on your week.

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