Today we're celebrating the miracle of life:
It was a year ago today that Brandon went in to strider spasms and stopped breathing in my arms (thankfully we were already in the Dr.'s office). We are thankful he is alive today. It was also his last hospital admission--so we've made it a year with only one or two manageable croup attacks in the middle.
I'll never forget the look on his doctor's face. She came in to our room after one night in the hospital and very gravely told me that because of the amount of medication he had to be on through the night, there was very little possibility he was going home for a day or two. The look of utter surprise and shock on her face was priceless when she listened to his lungs and found them completely clear! God knew we needed to be out of there.
He was discharged just in time to fly out to Colorado where we celebrated my grandfather passing from death to eternal life. How could a time be so difficult and joyous all at the same time?
And today we're also celebrating the miracle of a new baby's life. The baby was practicing it's defensive moves this morning, (getting ready to defend himself against his brothers I'm sure) and gave Bryan's hand a good solid KICK! It was the first time Bryan had felt the baby move, which always makes new life growing in me more of a reality for him.
Life is a miracle every day.
Blessings on your weekend.
(PS There won't be pictures for a while, sorry. Our big hard drive isn't working, where all my picture work has to take place. Thankfully it is still under warranty so we should be back up and running a couple weeks.)
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