Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Uncle Bryan's Visit

Uncle Bryan came for a visit a couple weeks ago.  He is always full of jokes and cutting up and encouragement.  Micah is still pointing to his picture and talking about "ian".

Playing "Ticket to Ride" Saturday night.  We were all making tracks and Bryan just collected cards.  He went on to win...go figure!

Sunday afternoon we went for a walk to the park.  Micah has been wanting to learn to ride his trike so he "rode" it to the park too.

Monday was supposed to be a beautifully sunny day.  It wasn't, it spit rain on and off, Mom fell and got a minor but painful compression fracture in her back, and Micah fell on his head and got a big ole bump but other than that, it was a fun day at Washington Park.

And here's where she lost her grip and fell.

He can still do them!

This was sure fun to watch!

On our drive up to the top we saw this deer--he was so used to people being there, he barely twitched when I got out to take pictures.

Hiking down to the water from the top view point.  Dad carried Micah down and back!

Of course they played most of the way too!  :)  What are grandpa's for anyway!?

Brandon found a piece of grass and made it into a fishing pole.  It was quite creative.

Uncle Bryan left early July 3rd to go home.  It was a delightful time!!
Blessings on your Wednesday.

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