Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Happenings

Last week was a busy week, towards the end of it anyway.  The beginning was filled with colds, asthma and high alert croup watch.  By Thursday the boys were feeling better so we decided to go to the library's "Big Trucks" program.  Brandon was fascinated.  Micah did his usual watching, but no participation until he had processed it all routine.

Police Car

Dump Truck

He was the MOST proud when he finally had a chance to sit in the driver's seat
of the utility truck.

Fire Truck

Bored in the Ambulance.  She was answering a lot of good questions
from the older kids.

Finally got Micah in a picture--note he refused to wear his fireman's hat and was
extremely pouty about even this picture as you can tell.

However, once we got home, I couldn't get him to take his hat off and here
he was pouty because Brandon wanted to stop playing so I could take a picture
but Micah wasn't about to stop playing to take a picture.

By Friday both boys were quite tired with getting better and having a big day on Thursday.  They both love reading books, but it's a rare occasion where I see them this content reading the same book together without someone reading it to them.  It was a  precious site.

Finally, this one is for my Horlings siblings.  The lego road tradition continues--this is for construction vehicles, not airports, but same idea...  ;)

Blessings on your Tuesday!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Family Visits

I love family coming to visit!  Two weekends ago it was Bryan's Aunty Gail from California, her daughter, Bridget, from Idaho and Bridget's daughter Aubrey.  They were on a roadtrip and stopped in for a couple days to visit.  It was so much fun hanging out with them for the first time in four years.

We went to Don and Sally's Friday evening to visit for a while, Saturday afternoon we met in the park, and Sunday they came over for lunch and then we headed out for a four-wheeler ride out to the river.

I didn't take many pictures, mostly just enjoyed visiting.

Charlie trying desperately to get hit by the rocks being thrown into the water.

Aubrey is so full of life!  It was fun to watch her simply enjoy being herself out
at the river.

There's my sweet boy.  There are weeks I really need to see his sweetness in pictures
where it won't change!

I love this picture of pure joy!

Brandon telling Aunty Gail something very important and animated--directions probably.

Bridget teaching Aubrey how to throw.

"Let's throw the rocks together"
Micah:"No" as he hands Aunty Gail another rock to throw.
We have a fun weekend ahead with Micah's birthday tomorrow and hopefully heading up to Artist's Point on Saturday!

Blessings on your weekend.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sunny Reminders

If the car didn't have to go in to be fixed today, I would be packing bags and heading out to where there is sun...HOT sun!  Yesterday was so wet and cold Bryan even turned the heat back on in the morning. SO. VERY. TIRED. of dreary weather, fighting asthma and getting cold after cold after cold!

It was good to be reminded that the sun does sometimes shine here, never very hot, but it does shine...sometimes...


Thursday, July 19, 2012

4th of July Evening

After going home for some supper and a little down time, we headed out to Semiahmoo for evening fireworks.  This was the first year it wasn't raining since I've had my nice camera so I was excited about using my knowledge to try get some decent fireworks pictures.  I'm pretty happy with the results.  Here are a few of my favorites:

While waiting for it to get dark enough, the boys enjoyed throwing rocks in the water...surprise, surprise!
 It sure is nice to be able to keep them entertained so easily when we're around water like this.  ;)

Doesn't that look like a flower?

But no matter what man does, we will never be able to use color as well as God does with his paint brush.  He sure put on a spectacular sunset/moonrise that night--the likes of which we will never be able to replicate or capture completely!

May you be seeing his handy work around you today.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

4th of July

I know, I know, I'm two weeks late in posting this but it's not three!!  :)   There are so many other things I should be doing today, but pictures have been fun instead.  So, here goes our 4th of July celebrations!

In the morning we headed up to Stanley Park in Vancouver, BC.  Our day consisted of:


playing at the playground...

playing this ball tossing game (I can only think of the "family" name for it and it's not appropriate to write here...soo...)

Micah eating more MM's than were good for him... (somehow he always managed to get into that bag no matter where we put it)

working on Brandon's softball/baseball skills...

One of my favorite pictures with both grandpas helping him learn.

nap time of course (cause what's a day off without a nap?)...

and my personal favorite part of the day was riding the sea wall all they way around.  According to the Stanley Park website it's about 9 km long (about 5 miles)... and Brandon rode the whole thing on his own!

I just liked this bridge picture.

We watched star fish and sea gulls eating them.

Watching a float plane take off towards the end of the ride.

Just for fun, I put a bunch of these pictures together in a "panorama". 

We got home around 5 in the evening, had some supper and then headed out to Semiahmoo to watch fireworks.