Monday, April 23, 2012

Precious Moments: Too Cute for Words

Brandon's all about matching with Micah and being in front of the camera right now.  Micah, well, not so much.  Micah's got some real "20 months going on 16 years old" kind of attitude going on with rolling his eyes at me and pulling up his nose and the like.  These pictures just cracked me up and I couldn't choose just one so you get five.

Brandon is in to man-handling Micah.  Micah: "AAAAAAhhhh--Stop touching me!"

What's going on over there?

Really, there's something far more interesting going on over there.

Micah: *sigh* I"m so bored.

The best smile I got out of either of them. 
After taking this last picture:
Brandon: Mom, where are we going now for another picture?
Micah: *BIG SIGH* "ahhhg" (Translation: We're done)

Blessings and smiles for your week.

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious! They are going to be a hoot when they get bigger.
