Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Catching Up--March

As I've been editing, posting, printing and otherwise working on pictures from our trip, life has continued to move on--phenominal idea, I know.  :)  There's no way I'll be able to catch up doing individual posts so I'm going to squish it all in to two instead. 

Here's what happened in March...

Bryan and I went on a date for the first time since October and watched the most amazing sunset we've seen in a long time!

Brandon made a TALL tower of blocks that we counted together and then counted how many
blocks tall he was--he was very proud of it.  Unfortunately it was a long time ago and I
don't remember the numbers any more.

Micah has been using his little arm a lot lately for sensing touch and texture.  Everything
(and I really mean EVERYTHING) gets rubbed against the end of his arm.

Brandon and his daddy logged some good solid hours "working" on the "garage train".

Micah is becoming more of a ham every day!  He continues to refuse to roll over, but will work his way small distances
to get what he wants.  He discovered drawers OPEN and there are things INSIDE them!!

"Did Mom see what I did?"

"She's not going to close the drawer?"

"ALRIGHT!!  Play time!"
Micah turned 8 months.

He continues to become even more expressive with his looks.  I can always tell when
he's thinking something through because that tongue pops right out!

We had way too much of this...

Brandon's asthma was really bad for a couple weeks so one day when it wasn't raining AS much
I took the boys out to Birch Bay so he could run without coughing as much.

Micah discovered how yummy rocks are--yuck!

When there was a break in the rain and his asthma was okay I kicked Brandon outside to play as much as possible.  If I couldn't go ouside at the same time I would keep Micah inside but put him by the door to watch Brandon.  They entertained each other beautifully.  I loved listening to the laughter!

Busy, busy in his sandbox!

There were one or two beautifully sunny days.  One of them we took advantage of as a family and went to the "boat" park (Bellwether) and there were absolutely gorgeous daffodils out.  It gave me hope that spring would actually come...

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