Through my pondering, processing and grieving one theme has continuously come to the surface and that is GRACE. God has been showing and teaching our family a deeper meaning of grace, I think, in a wide variety of ways. Do I wish he would have taught them to us in a different way? Absolutely--I would do anything not to have to experience this pain. But I'd like to share with you a few of the ways God has portrayed his grace (in no particular order):
Grace in feeling God near even at our lowest. One of the songs that has been playing frequently while I struggled through processing pictures and my own emotions is the song "Never Once" by Matt Redman.
Grace in holding each other when one of us fell apart and supporting each other as we grieved in our own ways.
Grace in the ability to forgive the Ghanaians who made our grief all the more difficult.
Grace in the prayers and support of so many around the world, mission and blood families and friends known and unknown.
Grace in realizing and accepting that Rachel wasn't just our daughter, sister, wife...but gave of herself to everyone. We had a very difficult time finding pictures of Rachel by herself because she was always there for others. There were also comments made on the memorial site to the effect of, "I only met Rachel once, but have never forgotten her."
Grace in holding our family a little closer.
Grace and healing in family worship.
Grace in loving children who didn't understand what was going on completely and in having patience to answer their many questions.
Grace in laughter and play together, despite our sorrow and pain.
Grace in the assurance we will see Rachel again some day so it's not "good-bye" but "See you later!".
Photo by Ian |
Grace in the assurance that God will continue to heal, comfort and glorify his name.
Oh dear Sara, what an honor, what a blessing to have just viewed the photos--my heart aches to see the powerful! Thanks for sharing. Your writing speaks so well to what is really so unspeakable! Then there are the photos that show joy--it really does run along with sorrow. I will show George the photos and what you wrote,later tonight. I really appreciate your blog--your photos and writing are thought-provoking and just very enjoyable! All the best to you and your family! The Lord's blessings of peace and joy to you! -Nancy Horlings