Friday, December 14, 2012

Surprises and Airplanes

About two weeks ago, after our first day of Christmas shopping together and talking about how things were "surprises", Brandon decided of his own accord he needed to make Daddy a surprise.  The first day he did some cutting and scribbling and gluing, covered it up with some tupperware on the counter and waited for Daddy to find his surprise.  Bryan was a bit bewildered by the whole thing until I told him, once the boys were in bed, that Brandon had done it of his own accord, from start to finish, and was REALLY excited about it.  So he took it to work to "display" it which was what Brandon was really hoping for.  Two days later, Brandon did it again, but this time we decided to hang it by Daddy's bed so he would see it every day (read: instead of cluttering his office with complete scribbles).

That night, Bryan was fiddling with some of the legos while we were watching a movie and low and behold (really not that suprising) he put an airplane together.  Off handedly, he decided it should be Brandon's suprise in return.  The next day Brandon was DELIGHTED to find his surprise...and then devasted a couple hours later when Micah accidentally stepped on it and broke it to pieces.  I told him he could either wait until Daddy got home to fix it or he could try fix it himself.

Something about the whole thing suddenly made his brain "click" and he has been making real airplanes and real boats and drawing pictures that actually look like pictures--houses and dogs, ever since. 

These are two of his airplanes, with passengers, lined up for the fueling station.

I love watching little brains learn and "get it"!!  Such a miracle.


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