Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I've always got some kind of project going on, just not generally this big.  For a long time there was a stink in the house and we couldn't figure out the source until one day I smelled the carpet.  Coupled with Brandon's allergies to dogs and cats (two previous owners had both in the house we confirmed with the neighbors), it was time to replace the living room carpet.

The boys loved having two days to play in the living room with nothing in it.

Avid watchers--learning so Bob the Builder could do it too.

The painted floor to seal out the smells from all the pee stains on the boards.

New padding going in.

Piecing together

"Mom, they have LOTS of tools!!"

Life back in place--phew!  We absolutely love the new carpet.  We went with a slightly darker shade with a few more shades of brown in it so it blends well with all the different browns in our furniture/fire place.  I have a plan for that blank wall to the left, but just haven't had time to get it finished.

Another project:
I've been a "couponer" for about a year now and every Monday came home with a major headache and terribly grumpy from having to carry my binder, list, wallet, keys, boys, phone, etc...  I had been using my brief case from teaching to carry everything, but that was so heavy it pulled my neck all out of wack which made my headaches even worse.

A couple months ago I saw a coupon bag that hung on the end of the shopping cart and I knew that would be a good solution for me.  However, it wasn't big enough to carry everything so I designed and sewed my own.  After about two months of working on it on and off (more off then on really) I finally have it finished.  Yesterday I went grocery shopping and came home with NO HEADACHE and we were all happier because of it!!  I was thrilled.  I'll never go back to a binder.

The velcro on the front connects with velcro on the back to hang it on the shopping cart.

There are two sections.  The back section is for my folders of coupons.

The front zipper part holds all the other stuff--wallet, store cards, calculator, diapers, pen, keys, phone, etc...
Well, I've got kids digging in my cupboards for a snack so I guess my picture time if finished.  Good thing I'm caught up!

Blessings on the rest of your week.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new carpet and YEA for no more smells!!!!
