Thursday, October 28, 2010

Letting a Child Shout the Truth

We went grocery shopping today.  As usual, Brandon was reciting movie lines, making car engine and crashing noises, and generally being rather loud.  I had already said, "Brandon, not so loud" several times and was about to again when I realized he had switched topics.

"God made you special, Mommy.  Mommy, God made you special, and he loves you very much."  (The ending line in most Veggie Tale movies.)  My first reaction was to once again quiet him down, but before saying anything I stopped and thought about what he had said.  Why is it that our natural tendency is to not talk about God too loudly or in public areas?  What better place is there to talk about God but in a public area?  Why not let Brandon shout it from the roof tops, at least it wasn't crashing noises for a change.

So instead of 'shhshhing' him, I joined him.  "You're right buddy!  God DID make you special, and he LOVES you so much!

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