Thursday, October 28, 2010

Letting a Child Shout the Truth

We went grocery shopping today.  As usual, Brandon was reciting movie lines, making car engine and crashing noises, and generally being rather loud.  I had already said, "Brandon, not so loud" several times and was about to again when I realized he had switched topics.

"God made you special, Mommy.  Mommy, God made you special, and he loves you very much."  (The ending line in most Veggie Tale movies.)  My first reaction was to once again quiet him down, but before saying anything I stopped and thought about what he had said.  Why is it that our natural tendency is to not talk about God too loudly or in public areas?  What better place is there to talk about God but in a public area?  Why not let Brandon shout it from the roof tops, at least it wasn't crashing noises for a change.

So instead of 'shhshhing' him, I joined him.  "You're right buddy!  God DID make you special, and he LOVES you so much!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Brandon Adventures

For those of you who know Brandon, you know he is FULL of energy.  Getting that kid to slow down is a bit of a challenge some days.  Anyway, because he is so full of energy he's not always very careful.  Today, not three minutes after getting home from Bible study, I heard a scream coming from Brandon's room.  I knew it was serious because he was crying so hard he couldn't get his breath (he can be a bit of a drama king too so I always listen to the type of cry to gage the seriousness of the situation).  I went back to his room and he comes staggering out and his eye is covered with blood.  My first thought was, "Oh dear, he  poked his eye out."  Very thankfully, that was not the case.  He had, however, split his eyelid open.  Once I got him calmed down and cleaned up a bit I asked him to show me where he had fallen.  He brought me to his bed frame and there, on the dust skirt, was a stretch of skin the length of his cut.  He hit HARD!  Thankfully our amazing pediatrician got him in right away early this afternoon and now, six stitches later, he's watching Cars and calming down after a very traumatic couple hours for him.

Poor kid looks like he's been through a war zone.
  On a lighter note, Brandon is also in that phase where he emphatically says "Brandon do it!" about just about everything.  Yesterday it was combing his own hair.  Usually he sprays his head a couple times and then he's done, but yesterday he got a bit carried away with the spray bottle.  It was quite amusing.  These aren't the greatest pictures but they do give you an idea of how soaked he was.  :)

Hope you're all having a wonderful Wednesday!

God's Paint Brush

Fall is the one time of year that holds very mixed emotions for me.  The beauty of the colors God uses in the fall is spectacular.  I love going for walks in the fall and enjoying all the different shades of reds on the trees, especially on our "Indian Summer" days when the sky is so starkly blue.  But then the rains starts, knowing it will last for a long, long time and winter is on its way is rather depressing.  In the mean time, while the colors are still changing, I'll enjoy the beauty.

I love tree-lined roads.  They are so much more enjoyable to drive on.


I love the contrast between the turning leaves and the green.

So many different colors in one leaf.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Precious Moments

Okay, so really this post is just a test to see if my email set ups will work, but I thought it was also a good opportunity to show you my favorite picture from this weekend.  I love the way both Brandon and Micah are so intent on the story and they both have fingers in their mouths.  Think they're brothers?  :)

Hope you're having a fabulous beginning to your week!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

For the Love of Cars

Brandon is totally in to cars, especially the "Cars" movie characters.  Lately, when I'm sitting on the couch feeding Micah, he will say to me, "Mommy, say (insert a line from the movie)."  He will then proceed to say the next five to six lines and reenact them as he goes.  His favorite right now is to race them over all the couches.  If he isn't acting out the actual race with McQueen, Doc and Chick Hicks, he is acting out the scene where McQueen and Doc race on the dirt track.  As McQueen gets to the end of the couch, he "falls off" and Doc has to call Mator over to pull him back up.  It is quite amusing to watch. 

Anyway, the other day I walked by the living room and saw this:

He had discovered that his garage, previously mostly used for taking the ramps off and asking me to put them back on, had a gas pump.  For those of you from Nigeria, you'll appreciate the LONG line up for gas. 

Have a great day.

To Begin...

The beginning is always the hardest.  How to start a story..."Once upon a time"?  Not really.  Facebook is easy, simply sign up and everyone suddenly wants to be your friend.  But a blog?...I'm at a loss.  I figured I had to put something up just so I can say I started and move on to the fun part.

So for now I'll simply say, "Hey, I'm glad you stopped by and I hope you're having a fabulous day."