Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Birthday Boy's First Day of School

Just yesterday it seems we were praying our four pound baby would breathe properly without oxygen, have a heart that would beat steadily without stopping, hold his own body temperature, and grow to five pounds in the NICU so we could take him home.  Where has the time gone?  This morning I dropped our now six year old at school for his first day of kindergarten. 

(I'm way behind on the blog and will go back over the last two months as I have time to edit pictures, but I know there are some grandparents who are pretty excited to see pictures of this big boy.)

The iconic first day of school pictures (that I thought would be years away yet):

Micah is having a rough day, trying to understand why he can't be in school with Brandon or why Brandon can't be home to play with him.  He very firmly planted himself on the rock to be in the picture too.  It was pretty precious.

Grandma and I snuck back to his classroom to peek inside and see how he was doing.  Jodi (woman on the right through the door window) used to babysit Brandon and we are so thankful she is the aid in his classroom as she understands him.  As we were walking way she poked her head out of the door and said, "He's doing great!"  It was what my mother's heart needed to hear today.

Micah, Lisa and I will go pick him up from school and go out for ice cream to celebrate all the big happenings today!  Pretty excited to hear all about his day.


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