Well, I've been taking pictures faithfully for P52, they just haven't been the top priority for blogging/or anything else. So today is catch-up day.
February 10-- "Drink Up!"
Brandon was told to "drink up" lots by the doctors and nurses in the hospital that week and by mommy at home.
February 17 - "True Love"
Grandpa had a true love for his Savior. He rarely talked about his experiences in the war, but he would tell anyone who wanted to hear about this little New Testament and Psalms. It was the one he carried in his shirt pocket and it kept him close to his Savior I'm sure during those difficult years. His love for his Savior was very evident last week. It's such a comfort knowing he is with his true love today, celebrating LIFE!
And today: February 24 - "Cabin Fever"
Cabin fever to me is being stuck inside all the time with all the rain and so to alleviate the blahs, I decided this was the winter to tackle and finish half started projects. There are about five I hope to get finished and here's the first one off my list. I started this afghan three years ago, then took a year off cause I had a baby and well, nothing happens with a new baby in the house. But I finally finished it off this week--feels great.
In other news, this week Wednesday was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. For a while now my mom and I have been talking about writing a calendar of devotions for kids (like the advent calendar idea/jesse tree) from Ash Wednesday, through Easter and Ascension day and ending on Pentecost. Brandon really got in to our Jesse Tree this year, so I'm hoping this will help him understand Easter better as well. Since it's in the very beginning stages, I just threw this poster together for this year with what I had laying around. As we finesse it more I'll make the "calendar" part of it prettier and more permanent. But this will do for this year.
Our Ash Wednesday footprint. |
Weekend blessings to you all.