Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Micah!

Happy Birthday to our baby boy, "Micah Micah" or "Smiley" or "Micah Two" or "McDonalds" or "Miky D" or "Micah Donald".  It's hard to believe he's a year old today. 

He took his time deciding it was okay to join the world, and has continued to do things in his own time.  He didn't learn to role until seven months old, and just in the past week has started trying to crawl.  He started sitting up on his own at five months.  When he turned nine months old he started scooting himself around on his bum by turning himself in circles, but now becomes airborn while scooting.

His first teeth came in at five months and he has become a voracious eater--eating as much if not more then Brandon most nights and some nights even more then me.  He will snack on anything unhealthy and if it's healthy it better be soft. 

He loves to smile and has his own very pronounced sense of humor, sometimes sitting in one place and laughing at himself with whatever he is playing with.  His big brother, Brandon, is always good for some laughs if he's being crazy and silly.  Micah will often instigate the sillyness simply by starting to laugh at Brandon at random, or doing one thing that he knows Brandon will play along with.

Micah is a thinker.  He watches everything and processes it.  He is also extremely stubborn!  He will do something, knowing the punishment is coming, but finding it worth it anyway.  Case in point: The tub toys are off limits unless they are in the bathtub.  Micah goes to play with them, and flinches when I come down the hallway.  During devotions time at the table, he is learning to be quiet.  He has started making noise, becoming quiet when I "shh" him, looking at his brother across the table, looking at me and if my head is turned slightly away (so I can still see him in the corner of my eye) he will look at his brother again and make noise, which makes Brandon giggle, and it goes downhill from there.  He is such a little brother!

Micah started out as a cuddler, and hasn't changed a bit that way.  In the hospital he refused to sleep in the bassinet, only falling asleep when I held him in bed.  He will cuddle with anyone, as long as I'm not around or he can't hear me.  But he's a mama's boy in that when he can hear or see me, I'm the one he wants to be with, no one else--not even daddy some times. 

On the other hand, he waits at the door at the end of the day many days, waiting for Daddy to get home.  If he's not at the door, he comes flying when he hears that Daddy is home and always has big smiles for him.

Micah you are so special and precious to us!  We have watched you grow into a little boy and are excited to see what you learn and discover this year.  Our prayer is that you will grow to be a boy who loves Jesus and others deeply, who values the gift of discovery God has given you and who wants to grow up to be a strong man of God.

Happy Birthday!

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