Friday, June 24, 2011


Here are a few  pictures of the week's highlights. 

Micah has started eating with a fork--as long as I put the food on it for him.

A great big red contraption (otherwise known as the MUSTANG) showed up "mysteriously" in our driveway this week.  Daddy and Brandon were equally excited about it...

Our park adventure this week started out being one park, but was changed on request from Brandon.  Grandpa gave Brandon a captain's hat several years ago but sometime last year it broke and I hid it to fix it, but consequently forgot where I hid it.  This past weekend I discovered it in the dark confines of the guest room closet and fixed it up.  Needless to say, boats and captains have been the theme of the week.  All that to say, Brandon specifically asked to go to the "Boat Park" (aka Zuanich) so he could be a captain on the boat.  Who can resist such reasoning?!?!

All captains must have a scope and I just happened to have a cardboard tube from
finishing off a roll of aluminum foil that worked perfectly!

Micah wasn't so sure about the whole thing.

However, as soon as I got him up to the wheel, he started making engine noises.  Grandpa and Daddy were very
excited to hear he was doing it at the proper times.

Finally, Grandpa stopped by to drop some stuff off and had his tractor with him.  The boys were EXTREMELY excited when he said they could sit on it for a couple minutes.  He even turned the engine on for a second-- oh boy they could hardly stand it they were so excited!

Praying you have a fabulous weekend.

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