Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Memorial Weekend

Wowzers I'm behind in pictures!

While I'm waiting for our carpet to be installed and the house to be returned to functionable (why bother cleaning while there's work going on, right?), I decided to tackle the growing pile of pictures that need to be edited. 

The Thursday before Memorial Day, Brandon had surgery.  Here are the before pictures (these were taken on my phone):

He LOVED that digger and was quite upset when he became too tired to play with it.  He kept trying to stand up to go play, but the sleepy juice didn't give him very good balance.

Slowing down.  We were reading stories.

Too tired to do much other than lay down.  The wagon didn't fit him as well this time around, though, so he had a hard time getting comfortable.
Those are all the pictures I managed to get from surgery day.  He woke up having a hard time breathing and started panicing.  I'm afraid that waking up scarred him pretty badly.  He's still telling people that the doctor put him to sleep and then he couldn't breathe when he woke up.

It took him through Sunday before he finally became himself again so we didn't do anything big for the holiday weekend.  Saturday evening we went out to the "boat" park for supper and to play for a little while, but even that tuckered him out pretty well, so that was the extent of our picnicing.

Taking a picture of taking a picture.

This little one is so investigative!!

See how red Micah's hair looks in this picture? He has the temperament to match. He's 22 months old. For the past couple of days when I've gotten him up in the morning, I've just pulled out a set of pants and shirt to put on him as usual. However, at 22 months he's decided he wants to pick out his own outfits already and has thrown a fit every morning until I put his clothes back in the drawer, lift him off the changing table and let him pull out his choice of pants and shirt (some days he'll let me pick out the shirt).

Speaking of stubborn, I've always said when Micah decides to talk it's going to come out in sentences. About a month ago words really started coming (starting with the middle vowel and the end consenant, but rarely the beginning consenant (isn't that weird?)). Anyway this afternoon he and Brandon were sitting in the chair together watching me vacuum and Brandon started singing his Bob the Builder song. Part of it goes like this:

"Bob the Builder, can we fix it? Bob the Builder, YES WE CAN!"

Did you guess it? This afternoon, after a month of using only one word, Micah says as clear as day (several times might I add) "YES WE CAN".

Okay, back to our picnic...
He's decided he's quite capable of using a big boy cup.  With the handle he actually does quite well.

But splashing it out is still more fun, so we're just practicing outside at this point.

See the tongue?  I love this boy!

Well it's been fun, but the carpet is officially in so it's time to get ironing curtains and getting the house back into working order.


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