Friday, April 20, 2012

The Floor Saga

After this last croup/asthma attack that put Brandon in the hospital we started some very intense allergy testing and discovered that Brandon is highly allergic to several things, but among them were dust mites, dogs and cats.  Dust mites live in fabrics so the allergist suggested getting as much fabric out of their room as possible and going hypo-allergenic.  Bedding was easy, we weren't sure how the flooring was going to work, but in so many providential ways, God provided a new floor for their room.  The one that gives us the most shivers?  I went to pick up the new laminate of which our provider had some high end remant.  He wasn't sure at first if he had enough.  We needed 112 sq ft and he ended up having 116 sq ft.  Once the floor was all in, we had two boards left--TWO!!  How amazing it that?!?

Friday night, while we were at Bible study, Bryan's co-worker and his son who was going to help us lay the floor since he had done it before several times, came and took out the carpet as a surprise for me.  Bryan knew he was coming.  But because it came out Friday night and not Saturday morning, the floor was completely in by 3 Saturday afternoon.

Both the two previous owners of this house had dogs and cats in the house and when the carpet came out I'm told it was a good thing I wasn't here cause it was full of dander (even though I've washed it numerous times in the four years we've lived here).

When we got home from Bible study, about 10pm, I decided to clean the room and do the painting as well so it would be ready to go the next day. (The boys stayed at Bumpa and Grandma's house Friday night and all day Saturday so they weren't around all the dust and allergens.)

The beginnings...

Saturday evening was so beautiful we all decided to go out to the river for a hot dog roast (a different post) so the boys didn't see their room until about 9:30 Saturday night.  They were SOOO excited, even though Micah doesn't look too excited in this picture.  Brandon is showing Micah around the room here.  Micah didn't understand the difference in texture between carpet and floor so he slipped several times before he gained his footing.  :)

Sunday we let the boys play in the room but we had decided not to move them back in until Monday so we could get some felt for the bottom of the furniture and so they weren't sleeping in the paint fume smells.  I must admit, it was nice having a room for them to play in and set up their toys and I didn't have to step over them!

Finally moved back in.

And two boys who are thrilled with their new floor!

Brandon has said several times this week to Bryan and I: "Thank you for my new floor!"  and "My new floor is WON-DER-FUL!"  So sweet.

Next step is putting in wooden blinds on their windows which we hope to do soon thanks to yet another providential gift from God.

We finally feel like we're attacking the causes of his health problems instead of always trying to play catch-up.  God is good and we are thankful!

Blessings on your Friday.

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